16 November 2007

My Story

My name is Geraldine Eibner, and I am 27 years old. 18 months ago, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia; a diagnosis which shattered my existence as I knew it. I spent the first 6 weeks at what was to become my second home, Westmead hospital; I have spent many weeks (including Christmas) at Westmead hospital since and am currently continuing with treatment.
My diagnosis was not nearly as tragic as it could have been, thanks to the amazing doctors, nurses and staff of Westmead hospital, and the amazing research and support of the Millennium Institute of Westmead. This ground breaking medical Institute has impacted globally on the way the world looks at and treats many diseases from leukaemia, melanoma, breast, prostate and ovarian cancer, liver disease including hepatitis, heart disease, viral disease including HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, asthma, diabetes, kidney and pancreas disease and infectious disease.
The current chapter of my journey started one evening a few weeks ago when a neighbour knocked on the door (and busted me having A TV dinner). As a member of the Holroyd Rotary Club, he was on a mission. His mission was to find a willing candidate for the club’s 2007/2008 Miss Charity Princess Competition. This competition is the third year of a 3 year plan to raise funds for Millennium Foundation Diabetes research. Who do you think he might have asked to be that candidate? ME, yes little old me! I spent a few weeks discussing it with my family and doctors, with whose support I have accepted the challenge.
What an opportunity I am blessed with; having been given the chance to give something back to the community that has been an integral part of getting me as far as I have come today!
I have until May 2008 to raise as much as I possibly can, and every single cent will count.
Unfortunately my fund raising efforts will be limited to what I can do from home; my current treatment means I am immune suppressed and unable to do much in the public arena. Granted I am planning social days including golf days, shopping tours, trivia nights and the like, but I will be relying a lot on my committee for such events. I will also be holding Christmas and Easter raffles, as well as auctions. If you can help in anyway, contact me! geraldine_eibner@yahoo.com.au

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